Post Workout Juice

This recipe not only hydrates your body after an intense workout it is also packed with life regenerating nutrients and antioxidants. Send me your pictures via Instagram – I'd love to see what you're coming up with.

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For 20 oz / 600 ml
2 leaves savoy cabbage
3 leaves kales
0.5 cucumber
0.5 pineapple
1 cup spinach
6 oz coconut water
1 tsp chia seeds


Wash the kale leaves thoroughly and remove any dirt. For some juicers it's better to cut the leaves before adding them.

Pick a few large leaves of savoy cabbage and wash them thoroughly. You may want to cut it into pieces before adding them to your juicer.

Wash the cucumber and cut it into pieces to fit your juicer's mouth. If you like to have more than the 20oz of juice in this recipe feel free to add a whole cucumber.

Cut the pineapple in half, remove the top, bottom and skin and cut into pieces. Do leave the center part in tact - that's where all the beautiful nutrients are.

Add one cup of spinach to your juice. Spinach is best juiced with a masticating juicer. Wash it thoroughly before adding it to your juicer because it often has some dirt underneath the leaves.

Lastly add coconut water to your juice. You can either add it directly to the juice or pour it through the juicer to flush out some of the fiber and remaining nutrients.

My Personal Post Workout Juice Recipe

This is exactly the juice I use after my workouts...